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Name: Department: Date First Appointed to Faculty: Type of Appointment: q Tenured q Tenure-Track q Sessional q Emeritus Please check off the priority of your application: 1Applicant is on program to present a prepared paper to an appropriate learned or professional organization or to participate in a symposium or panel.2Applicant is on board or committee of academic or professional organization and wishes to attend meetings.3Applicant is attending a meeting or conference but is not a participant in the formal program. Information about the academic event:Name of event: Hosting organization(s): Dates: Location: Type of event: q International q National q Regional q Provincial  Details about applicant s contribution to the event:Type of presentation, where applicable: q Paper q Seminar/Workshop q Pan7Mt ( * + , D l } @Fv|D˽𫠫vnddddddddhM9CJOJQJhQ6OJQJhQ6hM9CJOJQJaJhQ6hM95CJOJQJaJhM95CJOJQJhM96CJOJQJhM9CJOJQJhM9OJQJhQ6hM95>*OJQJhQ6hM95>*CJOJQJhM95CJOJQJhM9CJOJQJhM9 hM9CJ hM9CJ'7Mt* + , a $h$If^ha$ $$Ifa$$If$If$a$dh ~  $$Ifa$$IfYkd$$Ifl,""04 la}ypy $$Ifa$$Ifkdt$$IflF,"@0    4 la}~ypy $$Ifa$$Ifkd$$IflF,"@0    4 la}w$Ifkd$$IflF,"@0    4 la 345<=GHIX$IfYkd$$$Ifl,""04 laDFCYkd $$Ifl,""04 la$IfYkd$$Ifl,""04 laDF&,&2&&&&& ''))6*8*b+h++++,---hM95CJOJQJhM95OJQJhM9CJOJQJhM9UhM9CJOJQJhM9OJQJF@&B&R&T&4'T'V'''())))) ) )Ykd$$Ifl,""04 la$Ifel Presentation q Poster Title: Will the contribution be published? q Yes q No q Undecided If so, where? Other contribution(s) to the event: Please comment briefly on the importance of participating in this event to your research program at Saint Mary's University, and to your professional development:  Please indicate whether you have already received, or intend to apply for, more travel monies during the current budget year (April 1  March 31): Please indicate whether you are able to use funding from other sources for this travel, and/or whether third-party recovery of expenses is possible:  Comments of the Department Chair or Program Coordinator (optional):  Applicant must attach the following documentation to the application: abstract and confirmation of acceptance of contribution (if available). ))6*8*b+d+f+h+++++++Ykd$$Ifl"(#04 la$If$If +++,-- & F$a$ &d P Ykdh$$Ifl"(#04 la0&P1h/ =!"#$% r$$If!vh#v":V l05"4$$If!vh#v#v#v@:V l0555@4$$If!vh#v#v#v@:V l0555@4$$If!vh#v#v#v@:V l0555@4r$$If!vh#v":V l05"4r$$If!vh#v":V l05"4r$$If!vh#v":V l05"4r$$If!vh#v":V l05"4r$$If!vh#v(#:V l05(#4r$$If!vh#v(#:V l05(#4s2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH F@F  Heading 1$$@&a$ CJ$OJQJF@F  Heading 2$$@&a$ CJ OJQJPP  Heading 3$$@&a$5CJOJQJ\^JL@L  Heading 4$$@&a$5OJQJ\^JJ@J  Heading 5$@&5CJOJQJ\^JRR  Heading 6$8@&^85CJOJQJ\^JDA D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List DB@D Body Text5CJOJQJ\^JBP@B Body Text 2CJOJQJ^JPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< 2D-  }F )+- 8@0(  B S  ?: ' 5 8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsdate 2003253DayMonthYear CD -5& 33333++,,9=>@II ++,,9=>@ yZ m^'2lj (^`OJPJQJ^Jo( ^`OJQJo(o pp^p`OJQJo( @ @ ^@ `OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o PP^P`OJQJo(h  ^ `OJPJQJ^Jo(h xx^x`OJQJo(oh HH^H`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h X X ^X `OJQJo(oh (#(#^(#`OJQJo(h  ^ `OJPJQJ^Jo(h xx^x`OJQJo(oh HH^H`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h X X ^X `OJQJo(oh (#(#^(#`OJQJo(yZ 2l M9+X__vM]Z(pQ6h7 @@  bb @ @&UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5Symbol3. .[x Arial?. x@Arial Black?= .Cx Courier New;WingdingsA$BCambria Math"qhjgjgɣF{u{u!24 3HP?__2!xx )Saint Mary's University - FACULTY OF ARTSeennsNicole Luttrell   Oh+'0E (4 T ` l x,91ϳƬ - FACULTY OF ARTSeenns Normal.dotmNicole Luttrell2Microsoft Office Word@@n@Ec')@Ec'){uGTCVT$m !  !1.@"Arial Black--- \2 >60 (version proposed by Ad Hoc Committee, March 25, 2003)                2 >j0   @"Arial Black--- +2 Z#0 A P P L I C A T I O N  2 Z 0    D2 x&0 Travel Expenses for Scholarly Purposes             2 x0   @Times New Roman--------- 22 "0 FACULTY OF ARTS SUBMISSION      ---  2 0   @"Arial---  2 0 [ h2 >0 to be appended to the Saint Marys University Advance Request]       2 f0  @ Arial---- @ !- @"Arial---  2 0   l@"Arial---  2 sl  --- 2 p lEligibility      2 l  @"Arial--- @2 |#lTravel allocations are intended to  ^2 X7lcover participation in academic activities outside the    2 s[lcampus or other external activities which affect the academic tasks of the University, and       2 |Ylare specified in each years budget. Funds available will be allocated according to the    @"Arial- - - ---- - - --- +2 (lpriorities laid out i )2 (Iln Article 18 of the  - - -  )2 (lCollective Agreement   ---  2 (Kl.  2 (Ol  ---  2 :sl  @"Arial- - -   2 Jl    2 [l  X2 [3lApplications must be received prior to the event.               2 [Sl   2 lOlTravel expenses for conferences attended prior to application deadline are not                    - - - - - -  2 | leligible.    ---  2 |l  ---  2 sl  '- @ !k-- @ !k-- @ !Ml- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !k- - @ !k-- @ !k-- @ !Ml- - @ !- - @ !-- @ !- ---  2 s0    2 s0 Name:   2 0     2 s0    2 s 0 Department:    2 0     2 s0    ;2 s 0 Date First Appointed to Faculty:         2 P0     2 s0    2 $s 0 Type of Appoi     2 $ 0 ntment:    2 $0   @"Arial- - - - - -------- - - - - --------- - - ------- - - ------- - - ---  2 7s0  - - -  . 2 7y0 ?.--- 2 7z0   2 70 Tenured    2 70   2 70  - - -  . 2 70 ?.--- 2 70   2 70 Tenure    2 70 - 2 7"0 Track    2 7I0   2 7c0  - - -  . 2 7r0 ?.--- 2 7s0   2 7} 0 Sessional     2 70   2 70  - - -  . 2 70 ?.--- 2 70   2 70 Emeritus   2 70     2 Is0     2 [s0    V2 ns20 Please check off the priority of your application:               2 n0     2 s0   l  2 sl  '---  2 1   2   '@"Arial- - -  2 QApplicant is on program to present a prepared paper to an appropriate learned or    ^2 7professional organization or to participate in a sympos  2   ium or panel.   2 Y  '- @ !k-- @ !k-- @ !*l- - @ !-- @ !/- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !k- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- l---  2 sl  '---  2 2   2   '- - -  2 PApplicant is on board or committee of academic or professional organization and     22 wishes to attend meetings.    2 k  '- @ !k-- @ !*l- - @ !-- @ !/- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !- - @ !k- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- l---  2 sl  '---  2 3   2   '- - -  2 OApplicant is attending a meeting or conference but is not a participant in the    "2 formal program.    2 *  '- @ !k-- @ !*l- - @ !-- @ !/- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !- - @ !k- - @ !k-- @ !k-- @ !*l- - @ !- - @ !-- @ !/- - @ !- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !- - @ !-- @ !- ---  2 s0   l--- 82 slInformation about the academic    2 >l  2 Alevent:  2 hl  '- @ !k-- @ !k-- @ !Ml- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !k- - @ !- l- - -   2 slName of event:    2 l    2 !sl    2 0sl   /2 ?slHosting organization(s):   2 ?l    2 Osl    2 ^sl   2 mslDates:   2 ml    2 }sl   2 s lLocation:  2 l    2 sl    2 sl    2 slType of event:  2 l  ------------- - - ---- - - - - - ---- - - ---- - - - - - ---- - - - - -  . 2 ul?.--- 2 vl - - -  72 lInternational - - -  . 2 l?.--- 2 l - - -  /2 lNational - - -  . 2 ~l?.--- 2 l - - -  /2 lRegional - - -  . 2 l?.--- 2 l - - -   2 lProvincial ---  2 Ml  '- @ !k-- @ !Ml- - @ !- - @ !k- - @ !k-- @ !k-- @ !Ml- - @ !- - @ !-- @ !- ---  2 s0     2 s0   "System0 0 --   00//..<< ՜.+,0 hp  91ϳƬ  *91ϳƬ - FACULTY OF ARTS7(version proposed by Ad Hoc Committee, March 25, 2003)A P P L I C A T I O N+ Travel Expenses for Scholarly Purposes Title Headings  !#$%&'()*+,-./012345789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZ[\]^_`cRoot Entry F Pz')eData 1Table"'WordDocument22SummaryInformation(60EDocumentSummaryInformation8YCompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q